Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to Emerson Advocates

Emerson Advocates hopes to organize parents, future parents, teachers, administrators and community members committed to quality education at Ralph Waldo Emerson Middle School in Los Angeles, California. Despite ongoing attacks on our public schools we believe we can organize school staff, families and prospective families to meet the diverse needs of our school community.

Our goal is to utilize this blog to engage in thoughtful conversations about public education/education policy and consider opportunities for action.  We hope these interactions will allow stakeholders to be accurately informed, express concerns, and organize to strengthen the Emerson learning community and public education at the district, state and federal levels.

Please contact Michele Levin or Noriko Nakada if you want more information or if you are interested in guest blogging for Emerson Advocates!


  1. It will be good to have a central "meeting place." Thank you Michelle and Noriko.

  2. This is a great place to get a quick news flash of what has been going on and the fact that there is a disconnect between the actual experience of parents and students at the local schools and what the news and state and federal government seem to want the public to think is provocative. Thanks Michelle and Noriko.

  3. Thanks, Mary, for reading and joining the conversation!
