Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome Back, Emerson Teachers!

In a couple of weeks, many of us will be struggling to fall asleep filled with equal parts anxiety and excitement for our first day of school.  Well, that was me last night, anxious about our professional development sessions and excited about the prospects for exciting changes this coming school year.  And just as teachers and school sites are getting ready for students to arrive on the 13th, many people put in numerous hours prior to our arrival this morning.  They all helped make Emerson's first day for teachers pretty great.  So, thanks to our administration, Michelle Bennett, the PD committee and our facilitators for planning our PD sessions. Thanks to our office and facilities personnel for all your work this summer while we were away.  Thanks to our parents for another delicious lunch and thanks to all of the teachers for being fully present.  There are great things going on at our public school!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Noriko for reminding me that I need to show and express my gratitude. We have amazing people at Emerson. A daily personal acknowledgment might be good for all of us.
